5 New LinkedIn Fashions for Personal Branding: What’s Hot, What’s Not!

  • Are employers searching for you online?
  • What will they find out about you?
  • Do you know the latest fashions for LinkedIn profiles?
Increasingly, Recruiters and Human Resource professionals research  potential employees online via their LinkedIn profile. Thus, your reputation or personal brand is an essential career management issue. If this it hasn't yet impacted you, just wait until your next promotion or job search. What is your online reputation?

LinkedIn Fashion Tips and Faux Pas: What's hot and what's not!

1. Not Hot or Faux Pas: Many, many profiles still have spelling, grammar and punctuation errors on the main page. Also, people are still creating their LI page by copying and pasting their resume content. This is not recommended. LI has it's only style conventions, norms and protocols. Also, proofread your professional recommendations, before you accept and post them on your LI page. If there are errors, email the corrections to the "referral source" and ask them to resubmit it.

2. Not Hot, in fact useless. The standard, LI Profile completeness score is an empty statistic! Most people are easily fooled when they see a high percentage % of completeness score. This score reflects quantity, and shows that you have filled in some of the blanks. It is NOT a score which accesses quality. It is equivalent to turning in a 10 page book report after the instructor specified it should be 10 pages long. Do you deserve an A or 100% because it is 10 pages in length? Or is the content and quality more important than the length? I use a special LI assessment tool with my clients to really analyze their profile strength, identify weakness’ and build their site. This is essential.

3. Newly Hot: In the early days of LinkedIn 2-3 years ago, the majority of people didn't have photos on their profile page. The tide has turned, and most people have a head shot. An Avatar is not advisable and can be viewed with suspicion. Get a fresh, professional head shot and post it. If you are a brand, you want people to relate to you and without a product image - you - this is much more difficult

4. Very Hot: under the ‘Websites section,’ you can include custom titles and custom URL links. The standard titles: “My Company” and “My graduate school” are okay. You can create custom titles using the "Other” category of URL and provide more details. Again, this is all about standing out in a crowd and differentiating yourself.

5. Smokin' hot: create a Vanity URL for your LI address. This is just like a custom license plate for your car - only it's free! This will show people that you are in the know and are social media savvy. Don't just keep the random jumble of numbers, letter assigned to you. Pay attention to your online, personal brand!

More Career Fashion Blog posts: What's Hot What's Not series...

Cover Letter Fashions: What’s Hot, What’s Not!

Resume Fashions: What’s Hot, What’s Not (Part II)
Author: © 2010 - All Rights Reserved - Sharon B. Cohen, MA, Counseling Psychology,CPRP. Licensed Counselor. Career Counselor and Career Transition Specialist.

"Helping business professionals, reach their career potential!"

Sharon B. Cohen on LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/in/sharonbcohen
My Career Manager on Twitter http://twitter.com/MyCareerManager
Complete Archive of articles on My Career Manager www.mycareermanager.com/


  1. I had my LinkedIn profile for a while and yet I'm now going to custom my url's thanks for a great post

  2. Wow, you read my post right after I uploaded it! Glad to see that my Career Education blog is being put to use...


  3. Yeah, from experience, I can tell you most companies will check. In my interviews with a major soda company, they searched me prior to each one.

  4. Thx for sharing your experience. Researching a candidates' background online - is fast becoming the norm.
