LinkedIn: Advanced Search & Profile Tips!

Business Professionals, learn how to use the advanced search features on LinkedIn! Advance your career and job search research with these easy LinkedIn tips. Learn about labor market trends and hot, job opportunities.

Search Companies. Gather information about companies, interact with recruiters and learn  trends.
Qualify by Company search:
* Click "Company" in LinkedIn's top navigation.
* Click "show more" link
* Enter filtering criteria and press the "Search Companies" button.
* Modify your search as appropriate.
* Try the Browse Industries option on the Search Companies page.
Tips for Company Profile pages: You can follow your top companies. Set up alerts so that you can hear the latest about your favorite employers.
* New Hires/Recent Promotions: a change in decision-making = new supplier oppty.
* Career path can provide suggestions about other companies to consider in your search.
* Key Statistics - Size, website, contact info

Stay up to date about social media and incorporate it into your job search and career branding.

© 2013 All Rights Reserved. Sharon B. Cohen, Global MBA Career Consultant

Contact me if you'd like guidance on the path to your ideal career


  1. Thanks for the great post on your blog, it really gives me an insight on this topic.
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  2. I’ll just put it out there: I don’t like the concept of job search. I vote for the term being eliminated from our lexicon, and replace with “job find.” How would it feel if the right people and the right opportunities came to you? I’m not talking about magic. I’m talking about positioning yourself the right way so that you attract those right opportunities. Magnetizing your audience and magnetizing your opportunities is the next secret to successful LinkedIn job search.

    Most candidates are currently doing the opposite of magnetizing. Think about this: going uphill is hard, right? Pushing a boulder while you’re going uphill would be even harder, no? All that pushing is what most people do in the job search. You’re pushing yourself out there, blasting your resume out to companies, and bothering recruiters you don’t really know, who are likely not in an industry relevant to you, and who don’t know of anything open for which you could be a match. Instead, magnetize. Attract. Position and optimize your LinkedIn profile so that when employers and recruiters search for someone with your particular brand of expertise, you appear high in the search results. We have a full presentation on how to magnetize in our free webinar
    Magnetizing, instead of pushing, is critically important for several reasons. First, the recruiter initially approaching you will likely spark a much more beneficial scenario than you approaching him. The person’s not approaching you just to chat. He’s selecting you because he thinks you may be a match for an open opportunity he has right now. Second, the entire act of magnetizing is simply empowering. Gone are the feelings of frustration, repeatedly being ignored, and continually getting rejected. Instead, the right recruiters seek you out.

    So create your account
